CRAFT Challenge #678 - Recycle


It's time for another CRAFT Challenge!  This week, we would love for you to join us in creating something related to recycling.

Our Sponsor this week is -

I had the pleasure of using a cut file provided by our sponsor.  If you havenʻt been over to see all of Reginaʻs digiʻs you really should take a peek here, she has a ton of really great one.  The one Iʻve used today is called 3D Greeting Card Envelope Box.  I made this with some recycled items including chipboard, paper scraps and ribbon that was bound for the trash.  I have to tell you, this little box is so sturdy and I used the PDF file to create it, which worked like a dream.

I do hope youʻll join us this week over at the CRAFT Challenge blog.  I should be a lot of fun, prizes are there for winning and we can all do our part for making our Earth just a little bit healthier.



  1. Gorgeous box Brenda and I do love a sweet bow.xx

  2. Beautiful box and gorgeous bow,
    Carol x

  3. Ooo, love me some recycle Brenda, fabulous fun card..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  4. Great recycling project! I'm all about that, so BRAVO! -Shani


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